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Wooden house situated in a picturesque area is a weekend place for family, which lives in large city. The history of this area\'s arrangement is straightly connected to the refit of every day living flat. The scope of works was very wide ant took even a replacement of furniture, so lots of them was taken to the wooden house. Finally this wooden house became a community of more or less occasional equipment... and this was the way to find the idea for decoration of these insides, which was driven by one rule 3R - Reuse. Many of equipment had its own stories: kitchen unit was created from elements found on scrap heap, a root based lamp or stony wall made from found by the owner on surrounding fields. Another, very important circumstance was limited budget. Owners clearly specified the target: all missing furniture, other materials and extras should be bought on sales, in hipermarkets and internet auctions. Price was the basic criterion, that\'s why they used a second class ceramic tiles, the cheapest wallpaper from Leroy Merlin or equipment from exibitions and furniture commissions. Finally became an area with different stylizations and unusual solutions.
Projektant: KaKaDesign